Since March 2014, the Cypriot government has been allowing non-Europeans to invest in the economy of the island in order for them to obtain a Cypriot and therefore European citizenship. The list of requirements for obtaining the citizenship can be seen below.



Option 1

Option 1:

Direct investment of € 2.000.000 + VAT in residential properties given that one of them will cost at least € 500.000 + VAT.
Option 2

Option 2:

Direct investment of  € 2.000.000 + VAT in commercial properties or a combination of commercial and Residential properties + Residential unit of at least € 500.000 + VAT.

Benefits of obtaining a Cypriot citizenship:


Fast (up to 3 months)

Dual citizenship

European passport

Travelling benefits

European education system

Free basic education in public schools

European health care

Lower tuition fees for EU universities

Taxation benefits

Right of voting